Seniors Over 60 -XYZ Fellowship (Xtra Years Of Zest*) [*zest: a lively quality that increases enjoyment, excitement, or energy!]
About Us... We are an informal group open to anyone with at least 60 years of zest (less zesty spouses may also participate). We will be listing events, classes, or field trips when they are arranged. For more information contact Margaret Sowers, 717-272-9703, or email [email protected], or through the church office. Mission of this group is two-fold:
Provide social opportunities.
Establish a community outreach relationship with the residents of Cornwall Manor to enhance and/or support resident opportunities. This volunteer activity is individually scheduled and not a group-scheduled event.
Activities include: 3-4 seasonal group events: * Spring - luncheon or dinner honoring church family members 80 years old and older. *Summer - possibly local experience of play, concert, museum, lectures, community programs. Always open to your interests and ideas. * Fall - themed picnic. * Fall/winter - holiday event.
On-going activities:
Calling All Cards.... We have instituted a Card Ministry as an instrument to extend friendship and caring on behalf of XYZ Fellowship. Perhaps you have some greeting cards such as birthday, get well, sympathy, thinking of you, that you'd like to donate. Sometimes drawers and boxes overflow with cards that are forgotten.
Harriet Doll would love to give your donations a new home when recognizing other's life's journeys. There are marked baskets on the bench outside the sanctuary and another on the table near the first floor elevator where you can place you unused cards and envelopes.
Volunteers at Cornwall Manor: ."Caring Friends" Program and other volunteer opportunities. . These community service outreach activities are scheduled to suit the individuals schedule. • Training is provided. • Contact person at Cornwall Manor for volunteer opportunities throughout the campus is Stacia Layser. Stacia also serves as Publications Director and Volunteer Coordinator. (717-273-2647 ext. 1514). A descriptive brochure is available.