The 2025 LCCM Noon Meal Calendar Is Now Available For Sign Up
A new sign-up poster for the first six months of 2025 is located on the wall above the grocery cart in the link. We have a NEW standing date of the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Usual time commitment is from 9:15 A.M. to approx. 2:00 P.M., but other times can be arranged.
Dates are as follows: January 14 /February 11/ March 11 / April 8/ May 13 / June 10 Please add your name to one or more of the dates listed. Call Sue Brimmer (717-273-6224) for more information. You don’t need to know how to cook. Especially needed are men or women who can lift & carry pans or help with clean-up. We could also use someone just for sweeping and wet mopping the floors from 2:00 - 2:30 P.M.
The 2025 Altar Flower Calendar Is Now Available For Sign Up
The 2025 flower calendar is posted in the first-floor link. To sponsor the altar flowers, sign up for the Sunday you would like. Thesecretary will contact you close to your date to get your information. The cost is$30.Contact thechurch office [email protected] at 717-272-0148if you have questions
Year-End Giving Statements And 2025 Envelopes
2025 Offering Envelopes are now available. Please remember to throw out your 2024 envelopes. Do NOT use your old envelopes in the new year. There are still a few envelopes in the first-floor elevator foyer that need to be picked up. Save us the expense of mailing your envelopes by picking them up ASAP. Instructions for using the envelopes are in each box. If you can’t find your box or if you have any questions contact Chris Tompkins at 484-802-8272
Year-end statements will be available in the first-floor elevator foyer by January 19. If you cannot find yours or if you have any problems or questions, contact Jamie Martin at 717- 277-7434 or email her at [email protected].
Opportunities for Ministry
Wanted: Church Photographer
We are in need of someone to take photos at church events, etc. for use in our print and online publications. Our best resource is our people and we haven’t been capturing those moments. If interested, contact Kathy Snavely at [email protected] or 717-507-2667 (phone or text). Thank you!!
Youth Ministry Needs Adult Volunteers
Adult volunteers are needed to help with the youth group. The main youth adult volunteer is looking to step aside in the beginning of January. Youth Group usually meets on Sunday evenings from 6.-8 P.M. Sometimes we will go to Gretna Glen for their free youth events and do other offsite activities. The teens are amazing and it is really fun to make connections with them. If this interests you please contact Jon Simpson at either cellphone 717 202-7789 or mail [email protected].
Student Info Needed For "College Student Of The Week"
We would like to support the college students from our congregation by including a “college student of the week” in our weekly printed church announcements. Please contact the church office as soon as possible at 717-272-0148 or [email protected], with the student’s name, year in college, college attending (list on-campus or at home), and mailing address (even if you think we already know).
Musicians and/or Vocalists Needed
Choir For Traditional Service
Everyone is welcome to join us in making a joyful noise to the Lord. Practices are held every Thursday at 7:30 P.M.. The Choir sings at the 10:30am.Traditional Service. If you would like to sing but cannot commit to every Sunday, you are still welcome to join us. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Brimmer at 717-679-0504 or Jennifer Trexler in the church office at 717-272-0148
Worship Team For Contemporary Service
We need help in the following areas 1-2 Sundays a month: Keyboardist ... Vocalists ... Sound Board ... Pre-Sermon Prayer... Scripture Reader
Please contact the church officeif you or someone you know may be interested. Thank you! Or speak to Chris Ritchie on Sunday mornings.
Children's Ministry
Kid's Worship needs volunteers to help older children with snacks and crafts Nursery needs volunteers to play with or rock babies in the nursery.
Children are the future of our church! Help us nurture our Children’s Ministry!
We are looking for a few church members to volunteer with our children’s ministry. Every Sunday the kids go to Kids Worship shortly after the 10:15 & 10:30 services start. In Kids Worship the kids hear a lesson, learn to pray, do crafts, play games & have a snack. This class has a permanent teacher, but in order to be Safe Church compliant, we need another adult in the classroom. This volunteer will help the kids with crafts and games. The volunteer is not expected to prepare anything in advance, just come have some fun with us.
We are also looking for additional volunteers in our nursery. These volunteers will play with toddlers & rock some babies. Please contact Amanda Hollich [email protected]if you are interested in helping us grow our children’s ministry! Without volunteers, we can’t have a children’s ministry.
Congregational Care Team Needs Volunteers!
Our Congregational Care Team Needs YOU! Team members help support those in our congregation affected by birth, death, surgery, illness, or other life-changing events. Team members may be asked to: provide a meal (homemade or store bought), provide transportation for an appt., supply a dessert or help with food preparation & serving at a funeral luncheon.
We realize that not everyone is available every time they are called or can’t do everything needed. You decide what areas in which you would like to volunteer. Our team has dwindled and we need more help.
For more information or to add your name to the meal, transportation, funeral dessert or funeral help lists contact Sue Brimmer at 717-273-6224 or [email protected]. If you volunteered to help but haven’t been called, contact Sue so she can verify that your name and correct contact information is on her list. It’s hard for us to know every situation. If you need help, please let Sue Brimmer or the church office know.
Church Bus Servicing Cornwall Manor Needs Drivers ~ No CDL
Our church bus runs to Cornwall Manor on Sunday mornings. The bus will picks up at 10 a.m. The stops are Gateway, Bradley, Corson and Laurel Place. Contact Bob Doll at 717-273-8013 if you have any questions.
Needed: Bus drivers are needed to pick up Cornwall Manor residents on Sunday mornings and return them following our morning services. A CDL is NOT required to drive the church bus and bus drivers will serve on a rotating basis.Please contact Bob Doll at 717-273-8013 if you can help with this vital service.
Youth Sunday School Help Needed
Volunteers are desperately needed (one per week) for the Youth Sunday School class. This class meets Sunday mornings at 9 A.M. in the youth room. Jon Simpson plans and teaches each lesson. Volunteers do not need to teach (unless they want to) but need to be in the room to fulfill our Safe Sanctuary requirements to have two adults in each classroom. Currently Jon’s parents are helping most weeks. Jon has seen great growth in the kids who attend. There is high value in having this class for our youth. However, without more help he will not be able to continue the class. Please consider volunteering to help, the more volunteers the better. Contact Jon at or at 717-202-7789 if you have any question or would like to help.
Praying Hands Ministry
This is a small but dedicated group at CUMC and we invite you to join us at our monthly gathering for prayer and fellowship. The group currently consists of Pastor Deanna, JoAnne Baker, Louise Hostetter, Anna Starner and Roseann McGarvey. We meet in the fellowship hall on the first Saturday of the month at 9:30 AM. It is an informal gathering where we lend our support to our church, community, and the concerns of the world in which we live through prayer. Anyone who feels the need or desire to share in prayer with others is welcome. In addition, there are copies of Our Daily Bread and The Upper Room available. If you have any questions, please contact Roseann McGarvey at 717-675-7799 or email [email protected]
Mentoring Program With Our Youth
I am looking for some volunteers who would be willing to be a part of a church-wide ministry. We would like to pair each teenager with at least one non-family member adult. Anyone who has an interest in discipleship and loves pouring energy into teenagers would be a great fit for this ministry. I am asking for you to be willing to pray, write notes of encouragement and when Covid is better under control try to attend the teenager’s activities, such as school plays, musical events and sports. Thank you for making me feel such a part of the Cornwall Church family. I have really enjoyed my time here and you have made me feel like this is home. If you are interested and willing to participate, please email me at [email protected]. Jon Simpson
General Information
Church Office Hours
The church office is open M-F from 9 a.m. to noon-If you are going to pick something up at the church and do not have a key, please use the entrance off Rt. 419, closest to the parsonage during office hours. If you need something and are unable to come out to the church please let us know and we will arrange to get it to you.
Church Library
We have resources available at the church for those who are looking for something to read or study. Stop by to pick out a book in our church library on the Lower Level. Available during regular office hours and on Sunday until 11:30 a.m. Many catagories available from Bible study, parenting, youth, Christian fiction etc.
Free Devotionals
Devotionals – Our Daily Bread and The Upper Room devotional books are available in the first floor foyer.
Altar Flower Calendar
The flower calendar is posted in the first-floor link. To sponsor the altar flowers, sign up for the Sunday you would like, and the secretary will contact you close to your date to get your information. The cost is $30. If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 717-272-0148 or at [email protected].
Tithes & Offerings
Thank you all for your faithfulness with your tithes, offerings and missions support that enables us to continue to minister to others and to maintain our building.
Let me remind your donations can be sent directly thru your banks electronic banking or send checks to: Cornwall Church, P.O. Box 687, Cornwall, PA 17016.
Miscellaneous Ongoing Activities At CUMC
The second Sunday of each month is Noisy Offering for Camp Sunday.
The children pass around cans to dump your change. All monies will go towards camp. Last year we collected enough to help send one kid to camp who otherwise wouldn't be able to attend. Go to the bank and get a roll of nickles, dimes or quarters. We want to make lots of noise in those cans!
Communication Challenges
We are always seeking to update the contact information of all those who are a part of our church family. If you use email, please do us a favor and send an email to the church office at [email protected] if you email changes. Please include your name, address, and phone number in this email.