Agape Family Shelter ~ Agape Family Shelter is a branch of the Lebanon Rescue Mission that provides shelter, food, and counseling for homeless women and their children. We give financial support through a special offering. |
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) /One Great Hour of Sharing ~
Since 1940, when UMCOR’s forerunner was established to meet the needs of those suffering overseas at the onset of World War II, we’ve continued to respond to those in desperate need—today throughout more than eighty countries around the world including disasters right here in the US |
Appalachian Missions ~
Through the Heart and Hand Ministry, annually we travel to Barbour County, WV in order to provide hands-on assistance with home repairs and building projects that will provide low income families with safe, affordable and adequate housing. |
Gretna Glen Camp & Retreat Center ~
Gretna Glen is blessed to provide a place apart that transforms lives. Each year we host 10,000 summer campers, volunteers, school group students and retreat guests. We are so grateful that this 200 acres is set aside for opportunities for children, youth, and adults to grow closer to nature, build relationships, and grow in their faith. Gretna Glen is a Christian Camp and Retreat Center located just east of Hershey, PA amidst the beautiful forest and stream of Mt. Gretna, PA. |
Jubilee Ministries -
Jubilee Ministries is all about Life Change...We “Rebuild, Restore and Renew” lives that are broken and caught in cycles of addiction, incarceration or homelessness. We minister to men and women inside prisons, we minister to the families of those in prison, we minister to men released from prison, and we minister to homeless families. We share God’s love and the wonderful message of hope found in Jesus Christ! More information is available at https://www.jub.or |
T.J. and Kate Renninger - Disciple Makers ~
Disciple Makers is a Christian campus ministry based in Pennsylvania. Their goal is to raise up the next generation of leaders for the Church by training college students in Bible study, gospel-driven discipleship, and evangelism. T. J. and Kate Renninger are a young couple working at Disciple Makers’ headquarters in State College. T. J. is using his computer skills in a support capacity and Kate is the event planner. They are both actively connecting with college students to bring them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Address: DiscipleMakers TJ & Kate Renninger 548 Easterly Parkway State College, PA 16801 |
True Life Ministries - A growing relationship with Jesus provides a child with the essential pillars of love, security, and acceptance that they can only find in God. Young people participating in True Life Youth Ministries programs are finding hope for today and a promise of eternal life. As they decide to follow Jesus, we have the opportunity to equip them to become spiritual leaders in their schools, in their families, and in their community as youth for Christ. That process fulfills our mission of building a community of young lives changed by Jesus Christ.
Lebanon County Christian Ministries (LCCM)
~ LCCM provides food, clothing, emergency fuel, etc. to families in Lebanon County on a temporary need basis. Once a month volunteers from our congregation prepare and serve a noon meal to needy people in the city of Lebanon. Our congregation collects necessities, and provides support through our membership affiliation. We give additional financial support through a special offering. |
Friends in Action ~ Rob Donely ~
Rob serves in the mission field both stateside and abroad through Friends in Action. Friends in Action, Intl. supports mission work in areas of limited infrastructure by using construction projects and practical service to speed the Gospel to those who have never heard. Address: Friends in Action Rob Donley PO Box 323 Elizabethtown, PA 17022 |
Family Life Counseling Centers (FLCC) Tanzania, Africa -
Family Life Counseling Center (FLCC) in Tanzania, Africa began with the vision of Lucas and Limi Ndaro and is now being run by Dennis and Mary Mashiku. In 2010, CUMC raised funds and sent a mission team to Tanzania to assist in the physical construction of the FLCC. The center provided a successful entrepreneurial seminar and serves as a center for marriage and family counseling, HIV/AIDS counseling, microfinance counseling, parenting and spiritual growth. We are committed to continue to financially and prayerfully support the ministry as it grows to serve the emotional, physical, spiritual and financial needs of the local community in Nassa. |
Hands Of Hope Medical Mission ~ Guatemala -
[email protected] Greg & Anita Giagnocavo, with their four children, moved to Guatemala in April 1998. They founded Hands of Hope as a school-bus medical clinic after the Hurricane Mitch disaster. In 2000, a 2,400 sf medical clinic was built in the rural village of San Rafael El Arado, Guatemala. It provides continual care to approximately 10,000 people. They are a Christian, faith-based mission and we rely on donations from others to fund the needs of the clinic. Here is a video of their mission: Address: Hands of Hope Greg & Anita Giagnocavo 7310 West 52nd Avenue #249 Arvada, CO 80002 |
Cornwall UMC