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Adult Sunday School
Women's Ministry
Every Monday Afternoon @ 1:30PM
Every Tuesday Evening @ 6:30PM
Every Wednesday Morning @ 10AM
Single Women ~ Honey Bees
Men's Group
Seniors over 60
Praying Hands Ministry
Youth Ministry
Children's Ministry
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Use form below for Kid's Worship, or VBS registration.
Cornwall United Methodist Church
Children's Ministry Regi
stration Form
Please complete one form per child, including infants. By clicking submit at the bottom of the page, your form will be sent electronically to the Children's Coordinator. If form does not submit, please review to make sure all areas are filled in. Place N/A if not applicable.
Indicates required field
Child's Name
[object Object]
My child will be attending (pick all that apply)
Sunday School
Vacation Bible School
Other CUMC Event
Date of Birth
Mother's Name
Father's Name
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Primary Phone Number
In case we need to contact you during a church service, which service do you usually attend?
Informal 8:00am
Contemporary 10:15am
Traditional 10:30am
I do not attend this church
List names of individuals with permission to pick up your child from church/VBS *
Does your child have any allergies or dietary restrictions?
If no allergies type none
Does you child have any physical challenges?
Is your Child on any Medications?
Has your child received standard Immunizations?
Do you give permission for a PICTURE taken of your child to be used in church communications, such as the newsletter, website, etc and for local press coverage?
Do you give permission for your child's LAST NAME to be used in church communications, such as the newsletter, website, etc and for local press coverage?
As the parent, legal guardian or acting responsible adult, I hereby give permission for the above named child to participate in CUMC programs. I understand that CUMC is a non-profit charitable institution, which voluntarily presents programs for the child, other participants. and the community. I also understand that these programs may have activities that involve snacks, crafts, physical contact with other children, the ground, or equipment that could result in a risk of physical injury to the child. I have explained the risks and benefits of participating in these programs to the child. The child is in proper physical condition and has no existing injuries or conditions that could jeopardize his/her safety or health, or the safely or health of other participants. I, therefore, release and discharge all liability for any harm or injury suffered directly or indirectly as a result of the child's participation in the CUMC programs, whether or not resulting from negligence. I as a parent, legal guardian, or acting responsible adult agree not to sue CUMC, it's representative, staff, or volunteers on any such claim. I also give permission for the staff, representative, or volunteers of CUMC to administer first aid or seek medical care for the child during the child's participation in the program, including calling 911 and any financial responsibilities incurred by such act. If I am the acting responsible adult signing this form on behalf of the child's parent (s) or legal guardian, I have communicated with them and have their full consent to sign this form on their behalf.
** If this form is filled out and submitted electronically,
you will be required to SIGN this form on the first day your child attends an event at Cornwall United Methodist Church
so do not TYPE information below.
Signature of Parent/ Guardian___________________________________Date:____________
Thank you for completing this form. We want to make sure each child feels welcome, safe and loved in our church.
Worship Schedule
Sermon Themes
Sunday Worship Information
Watch online
Monthly Newsletter "The Caller"
What's Happening
In The Church
For Youth
For Children
Registration For Children's Ministry
Annual Church Events
About us
Church Heritage
Cornwall Church Timeline
Interesting Historical Facts
225th Anniversary
Our Staff
Church Leadership
Contact Us
Ways to Serve
Adult Sunday School
Women's Ministry
Every Monday Afternoon @ 1:30PM
Every Tuesday Evening @ 6:30PM
Every Wednesday Morning @ 10AM
Single Women ~ Honey Bees
Men's Group
Seniors over 60
Praying Hands Ministry
Youth Ministry
Children's Ministry
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